Cllr Paul Drake-Davis welcomed the investment. Credit: Hull City Council

Hull picks next ‘priority streets’ investment area

The city council has approved a £4m programme for the area between Newland Avenue and Beverley Road in north Hull.

The funding is part of Hull City Council’s Priority Streets programme which identifies areas of the city most in need of housing improvement works.

First up will be De Grey Street, with Lambert and Grafton Streets and Princes Road to follow over the next three years, in what is traditionally a popular area for students.

The programme will include frontage improvements to the fabric and external redecoration of properties, renewal of rainwater goods to help cope better with heavy rainfall, new front gardens and boundaries, as well as renewing communal footpaths to court terraces off the main streets.

The Priority Streets programme identifies and assesses areas which would substantially benefit from regeneration works.

Among the indicators considered are overall appearance of the street, number of empty homes, private housing conditions, untidy land, and levels of anti-social behaviour. Throughout the course of the programme, 62 streets across the city will benefit from Priority Streets improvement.

Cllr Paul Drake-Davis, the council’s portfolio holder for regeneration and housing, said: “Through the Priority Streets programme the Council can bring huge improvements to these neighbourhoods and help deliver the positive changes that residents want to see.

“I’m really excited about the regeneration effects this programme of work will bring and can’t wait for it to start.”

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