The library, cafe and community space will be on the ground floor, with offices above. Credit: planning documents

Go-ahead for Stocksbridge 519

Sheffield City Council’s proposals for a three-storey building including a library, café and close to 15,000 sq ft of office space, have been approved.

Designed by CODA, the Stocksbridge 519 project – at 519 Manchester Road – will involve the demolition of the existing library and two other buildings, and their replacement with the hub building, which will also include space for community uses and events.

Paul Bedwell Town Planning advised. Also on the professional team are Arup, Rider Levett Bucknall, Optima and landscape designer FPCR.

This is a Town Deal project, forming part of Stocksbridge Town Deal Board’s plans to regenerate Manchester Road – Stocksbridge being one of the 100 towns selected in January 2020 chosen as part of the £3.6bn Towns Fund programme. Stocksbridge landed £24.1m in total.

The delegated officer report concluded: “The new building would be more imposing than the existing structures, with the building line stepping further forwards and the massing being greater.

“However it is considered that the high quality and place-based approach to the development design will lead to this greater imposition of the new building within the existing built realm of Stocksbridge being a positive rather than negative, creating a new distinctive landmark civic building for Stocksbridge Town Centre.”

CODA director Matt Bowker said: “From the very start we knew that we wanted to create a building for the community that people would love and cherish for many years to come.”

“We also wanted to respect the heritage and architectural aesthetic of Stocksbridge. To achieve that, we have developed a project based on dedication to detail, with greater emphasis on the look of the building rather than just the functionality, even though these buildings will indeed be both functional and environment friendly.”

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