Serviced apartments set for York go-ahead
Club Salvation is in line for redevelopment, while Vue Cinemas also hopes for success with plans for padel courts.
City of York Council’s planning committee meets on Monday 20 May with recommendations to approve both the conversion and extension of the Salvation site in George Hudson Street, and the re-use of a section of car park at the Vue venue in Stirling Road as five padel courts.
McMillan York is the applicant for the nightclub conversion. Working with architect Vincent & Partners, McMillan wants to add a new storey and roof level at 23 Tanner Row, and convert the upper floors of 23 and 25 Tanner Row and 27, 29 and 31 George Hudson Street to create 17 serviced apartments.
Also included is the conversion of the ground floor and basement of 31 George Hudson Street to amenity space. A listed building consent is also required.

Originally a hotel, part of the site is grade two-listed. Credit: planning documents
The site is close to the Ouse, five minutes walk from the city centre – in planning terms, it sits within the historic core conservation area.
The largest part of the application site, the corner plot of George Hudson Stret and Tanner Street, was built as a five-story hotel in the second half othe 19th century, in the Georgian style. The two upper floors were removed in the 1960s, and features of the original hotel have been removed down the years.
Vincent & Partners summed up in ita design & access statement: “The proposal creates a scheme which address the character of the site and its surroundings, by returning the building at the corner of George Hudson Street and Tanner Row to its original massing and design.
“It provides a sympathetic development that enhances the conservation area. The development leads to an efficient use of previously developed land within a sustainable location for uses compatible with the surrounding area.”
The project can be viewed on City of York’s planning portal at 22/01718/FULM.
Across central York, where opportunities for larger scale development are rare, various projects are under way to repurpose the upper floors of historic buildings, with Helmsley among those bringing forward developments in the main retail pitch.