Developers prep for second phase of Konect 62
Cole Waterhouse and Henderson Park are seeking input on further delivery of employment space at the 136-acre Knottingley site.
The proposals will see further investment into the employment site, which was formerly home to Kellingley Colliery and is situated close to the intersection of Junction 33 of the M62 and the A1(M).
Phase one at Konect 62 is well under way, with completion inked in for November 2023. This comprises four speculatively built units, the largest, named Big K, being 736,000 sq ft. The other buildings range from 55,000 sq ft through 151,000 sq ft to 161,000 sq ft.
Kellingley Colliery closed in 2015 and was acquired by the developers in autumn 2022.
Cole Waterhouse, a developer focused on industrial and logistics, and backed in this project by London-headquartered private equity-property investor Henderson Park, said that more than £100m has already been committed to the site, and it is now seeking consent for the remaining land.
David Nuttall, managing director of industrial & logistics at Cole Waterhouse, said: “The investment at Konect 62 presents a new opportunity for the site to support local employment into the future. Not only are we regenerating brownfield land, but once completed, Konect62 will provide direct employment opportunities to more than 3,500 people at the site along with further opportunities in the local area.
“We’re also working hard to improve public access by incorporating attractive landscaping and walking routes through the site and opening up a link to the canal towpath.
“We want to update the community on the progress of Phase 1 which has already garnered a lot of interest from potential occupiers and present our vision for the next stage of investment. We’re keen to understand people’s views and aspirations for the site, before we apply for planning permission, and I’d encourage everyone to visit our online consultation.”
In-person drop-in sessions are being held at the Hidden Tearoom, Stocking Lane on Tuesday 20 June, while online consultation will open from 20 June.