Sites can be nominated online. Credit: Kirklees Council

Kirklees issues call for sites

Having decided to update its local plan in November 2023, the local authority has started its search for land to be allocated for development over the next 15 years.

The call for sites is intended to steer growth and economic development, and allows landowners, developers, and other interested parties the opportunity to put forward available land that could be considered.

Kirklees is searching for a wide variety of sites including housing, employment, commercial, public green spaces and more – and with government policy tending towards backing transport-linked sites and brownfield development, it will take a particular interest in land that can be re-used or redeveloped within towns and villages or on previously developed land.

The West Yorkshire council’s decision to progress its local plan follows North Yorkshire’s call for sites, issued last week.

David Shepherd, strategic director for growth & regeneration at Kirklees Council, said: “Updating our Local Plan is essential for us to adapt to the changes that have taken place over the last five years.

“Call for Sites is a great opportunity for residents and businesses to share any sites or land that could be developed to contribute to the growth of Kirklees.

“We have a strong appreciation for any suggestions and the more, the better. Finding land or sites will bring us one step closer to not only updating our Local Plan but supporting the needs of the community, residents, and businesses.”

Sites can be submitted online.

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