York to consider affordable housing scheme
Gateway Developments’ plans for a 114 homes on a 14-acre patch of Green Belt land to the South West of the city centre will be discussed at the council’s planning meeting this week.
Located next to Sim Balk Lane, if approved, the scheme will be operated by the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust on completion.
Designed by Niemen Architects with Gateley Legal as consultants, the development also includes access, parking allocations, proposed highways improvements to Sim Balk Lane, and public outdoor space.
The parcel of land is close to the Askham Bar park and ride, York College, a grassroots football club and playing fields, and the A64.
The housing mix includes 68 properties for social rent and 46 for shared ownership, divided between one- to three-bed bungalows, and two- to four-bed houses.
In defense of the request to build on Green Belt land, the planning statement noted: “The Green Belt can have both spatial and visual aspects.
“The site is notably very enclosed along its southern and western boundaries by layered and dense tree vegetation which precludes views beyond the site’s boundaries and there is no visual connection to open land further west and south.”
More information can be found using the reference 24/00129/FULM.