Aerial CGI of the site extension. Credit: Pegasus

Makins to expand film studios on former airbase

Advised by planning consultancy Pegasus, the developer has secured reserved matters approval for 150,000 sq ft in three new sound stages and studios at the media complex in North Yorkshire.

The more detailed consent follows the grant of outline planning permission at the site in 2020, again led by Pegasus.

Chris Makin, managing director of Makins, said: “This latest permission is an important step forward in our exciting plans for the aerodrome’s future. The ongoing commitment to the site’s revitalisation highlights the dedication of all parties involved in transforming the Church Fenton Aerodrome into a thriving multi-use destination for TV production, events and businesses.”

Church Fenton has already hosted productions such as ITV’s Victoria.

Masterplan of the film park. Credit: Pegasus

Makin added: “We are committed to delivering an exceptional facility that will showcase North Yorkshire’s potential and attract talent from around the world.”

Pegasus has acted as project manager on the site since 2016. This covers master-planning, landscape design, heritage and planning applications.

Heidi Boot, graduate planner at Pegasus Group, said: “The site’s redevelopment is an excellent example of making best use of previously developed land to generate economic opportunities. The decision recognises the immense potential of the Church Fenton Aerodrome as a location that can attract investment, drive economic growth and foster the development of the creative industries in the region.

“The latest approval will deliver purpose-built studio space to go alongside the existing hangars creating around 1,800 full-time equivalent jobs and adding around £940m to the UK economy over a 10-year period.”

See more at North Yorkshire Council planning application 2022/0305/REMM.

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