The stadium opened in 1934. Credit: via Robert Beaumont

Bradford Bulls buys Odsal lease

The rugby league team has taken on a 150-year lease for its stadium, owned by Bradford Council, in a deal brokered by Knight Frank.

The Rugby Football League sold the lease to the Bulls, having owned it for the previous 12 years.

RFL previously paid the council a peppercorn rent.

The stadium itself is 13-acres and also home to Odsal Motorsport.

Jonathan Hyland of the Leeds office of Knight Frank commented: “We have now completed this complex and important deal.

“Lawyers have worked forensically through the final details to ensure each party was happy and a satisfactory decision was reached.

“The RFL was keen to sell the lease and the Bulls were keen to gain more autonomy and control over their ground, so the deal suited both parties.

“When we first announced that the Odsal lease was up for sale last October, there was a good deal of interest, which wasn’t surprising, since this was an absolutely fantastic opportunity to acquire one of the most famous sporting stadia in Yorkshire.”

Rob Graham, the RFL’s director of finance, facilities and central services, said: “The RFL’s primary goal in taking ownership in January 2012 was to avoid an historic venue for Rugby League being lost to the sport, and that has now been achieved.

“Ownership of the stadium was never envisaged as a permanent position.”

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