Scarborough’s Brown Moor plans back on track
Following sign-off for Leeds City Council’s site allocations plan, the developer’s proposals to build Integral, a 555,000 sq ft industrial project next to Thorpe Park are once again in motion.
LCC’s north & east plans panel will meet on 1 February to consider the proposals in outline form.
The project would bring a hefty slug of logistics floorspace to a hungry market, giving occupiers access to Junction 46 pf the M1.
Scarborough Group submitted the plans at the end of 2022, but the site was one of those included in the legal challenge to Leeds’ proposed site allocations plan, so examination of it was delayed throughout 2023.
With that obstacle now overcome in the High Court, and LCC’s cabinet having ratified the allocations plan, the wheels are once again turning on the Brown Moor plan.
Scarborough’s professional team, led by planner Zerum and architect ARES, also includes Cameg Project Management, Hydrock, Peel Frischmann, Buro Happold Engineering, BWF Consultancy and agent Gent Visick.
Although the project hasn’t been in a position to be considered by members, the Scarborough team has been in discussion with council officers over the last year on issues such as highways, ecology, landscape and drainage.
Access would be taken from William Parkin Way, at the signalised junction with Barrington Way as this is one of the lowest parts of the site. This access road would then form the main spine road through the site with a number of spur roads leading to the units.
From the access point on William Parkin Way, the road rises gradually over its length west towards the motorway. The location of the units and associated infrastructure would ensure that the existing Public Right of Way network remains in place, officers said.
Due to the varying levels across the site, six development plots are ptroposed. Although it is stressed plans are only outline, indicative images show seven individual units, with a possible further four, which could be subdivided.
Again, although not a detailed plan at this stage, officers said that the application does provide some indicative details on design, with a theme running through the scheme with the entrance areas containing large amounts of glazing.
Landscaping will be to the fore around the site, with around 40% of the areas to be retained as greenspace, mostly to the south and west where the site meets woodland.
Neighbours to the site are the Springs retail & leisure park, abutting the Thorpe Park development, while a 300-strong housing development lies to the north. The site is close to the southern quadrant of the East Leeds Extension, LCC’s major housing masterplan area.
There are no objections raised by statutory consultees, and only a handful from members of the public.
Scarborough’s plans can be viewed on Leeds City Council’s planning portal with the reference 22/08491/OT.