Funding agreed for Qube’s Hull revamp
A vacant grade two-listed city centre building will be converted by the developer, supported by Levelling Up and High Street Heritage Action Zone cash.
Qube Property’s restoration of 61 Market Place will be worth an estimated £572,916, bringing an empty building back into use.
With the developer committing £340,000 to the scheme, Hull City Council’s Levelling Up Fund allocation has awarded just over £200,000, while an additional £29,000 has been levered in from the HSHAZ programme.
As well as restoring a heritage building and giving it a new lease of life through five apartments, the project will also support the renovation and future development of Hepworth’s Arcade next door.
Cllr Paul Drake-Davis, the council’s portfolio holder for regeneration and housing, said: “The Levelling Up Funding is given to the council on behalf of the government and has to be awarded to applicants which meet the specific criteria such as creating new permanent jobs, bringing vacant floor space back into use, improving dilapidated buildings and restoring heritage properties.
“This has been evident recently in grants to regenerate Europa House, the former Lloyds Bank on Humber Street and this application from Qube Property meets the necessary conditions to merit the award.
“The scheme will deliver high quality, city centre accommodation in a long vacant building and is another example of how the Levelling Up Funding continues to breathe new life into our city centre.”
Also busy in the city centre are developer Wykeland, which has instigated a renewal programme of properties including the noted Burtons building, and Hull Trinity House, also a key landlord.
The pair of companies are working together to improve the whole retail pitch in and around Whitefriargate.
Hull’s LUF programme totals £19.5m, while the city’s HSHAZ amounts to £1.75m for businesses in the Whiefriargate area.

Hepworth’s Arcade will receive a boost through the scheme. Credit: Place North