The Harris Partnership in the architect. Credit: planning documents

Pub to go as Aldi ramps up Keighley relocation

Demolition of the Cricketers Arms should be the final piece of the jigsaw as the grocer looks to deliver a new store along with a Tim Hortons drive-thru at Coney Lane.

Plans for demolition were granted permission last week as fast-growing discounter Aldi, advised by Planning Potential, looks to progress a project that is already mostly consented, with a 2022 consent following a hybrid approval in 2021 for a foodstore and associated pod units, along with the coffee drive-thru.

Brownfield development of the site was approved in principle by Bradford Council in 2019, and the demolition of the adjacent mill building a year earlier.

Regular Aldi architect The Harris Partnership is the scheme’s designer. Hydrock is delivering geo-environmental civil and structural engineering consultancy.

Planning officers said: “There are clear advantages to the demolition of the property both in terms of public safety and visual amenity. It will also enable the adjacent site to be comprehensively development to the benefit of the wider community and the quality of the town centre overall.”

Officers agreed with Keighley Town Council’s position that while the loss of a pub is regrettable, there are no planning grounds on which to argue, and no widespread public support for a long-closed venue to be retained.

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