Industry backs Place North’s 2024 events
Sponsorship opportunities for Place North’s dynamic 2024 event calendar have been attracting interest from progressive businesses keen to get their branding in front of audiences across the North.
The Place North annual events calendar for 2024 launched last week. Already, dozens of companies have signed up for event sponsorship across Place North West, Place Yorkshire, and Place North East.
Organisations keen to promote their skills and expertise will enjoy the full-service benefits of partnering with Place North: curated live content, quality networking, database of delegates, social media support, and much more.
- Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
- Social Event Sponsorship Opportunities
- MIPIM Opportunities
- UKREiiF Opportunities
Next year will feature our first dedicated conferences and social receptions in the expanded Yorkshire and North East regions we now cover. In the North West there will be a blend of familiar favourites and new topics.
Sponsors benefit from:
- Access to delegate list prior to event
- Branding and promotion on newsletters, website, social media
- Branding at event
- Introductions to event speakers
Event schedule: Place North Live 2024
Place Party Yorkshire | 1 February | Sponsored by Mills & Reeve
Yorkshire Emerging Development Hotspots | 5 March
Place North MIPIM Arrival Reception | 11 March
Place North MIPIM Breakfast | 13 March
Place North UKREiiF Drinks Reception | 21 May
Yorkshire Industrial + Logistics | 16 October | Sponsored by Aew Architects, Hydrock, Harworth, Glencar
Yorkshire Christmas Social | 12 December
Message from Dino Moutsopoulous, managing partner and head of commercial
At Place we have always strived to be a fast-moving, quality operation that gives the market the intel it needs to do business.
The annual launch of our events plan is a big part of our year and, indeed, helps business forward-plan their marketing and event strategies for business development.
Our team of journalists, events and production experts are the most attuned to what is happening across the North and, as such, we feel we can help highlight the key growth sectors and patches. Bringing the subject to life leads to business for the property market.
We are thrilled to be able to bring conferences and business development social networking events to Yorkshire and the North East.
A particular highlight will be delivering Place Party Yorkshire in Leeds. Delivering quality conferencing in the North East is also exciting.
We pride ourselves on being well planned and letting people in the market decide where they see the best fit for themselves. We don’t create short deadlines on deals; we don’t have a team of pushy sales people nor do we operate opaque pricing structures. We work closely and consultatively with clients, increasingly under annual partnership agreements.
So, if you are thinking of using Place to grow your profile, or to launch new projects or service offerings, now is the time to get involved.
It is going to be a busy year, so don’t wait around too long. We expect a number of sold-out events next year.
We look forward to working with you.
Dino Moutsopoulos | 07803 988112 | [email protected]
Lucy Hinds | 07834 730653 | [email protected]
Louise Hall, North East & Yorkshire | 07354 744708 | [email protected]
Place event partners for 2024