Howdens commits to Caldene Business Centre
Landlord Industrials REIT has let 6,800 sq ft letting at the Mytholmroyd estate to the FTSE 100-listed trade supplier.
The fitted kitchens giant has committed to a 15-year lease at Industrials REIT’s Calder Valley holding as part of its ongoing national expansion plans.
The warehouse space will be used to ramp up supply of kitchens, joinery, and hardware products to trade customers across Yorkshire.
Caldene Business Centre comprises 81,000 sq ft of modern light industrial and warehouse space across 20 units. Existing tenants include SGL Carbon Fibers, Germany’s leading kitchen producer Nobilia and independent craft brewer Nightjar Brewing.
The industrial estate is located on the A646 Yorkshire to Lancashire trunk road between Halifax and Burnley, less than 10 miles drive from Junction 24 of the M62.
Dan Austin, senior asset manager at Industrials REIT, said: “This new lease to Howdens further underlines the continued strength of demand from businesses of all sizes for our high quality, well located and affordable industrial space.
“Our leasing and asset management teams are on the ground in the North and across the UK, allowing customers to benefit from a relationship-driven service from dedicated local experts.”
Howdens, which was advised by Montagu Evans, said: “We have been looking for the right property in this area for some time and are very pleased to be opening our new depot at Caldene Business Centre as part of our ongoing expansion programme.”