The hope is still that passenger flights will commence from spring 2026. Credit: SYCMA

FlyDoncaster to manage South Yorkshire Airport City

The company has been established by the council to run the former Doncaster airport, and work alongside the as-yet-unconfirmed international airport operator ‘waiting in the wings’.

At the City of Doncaster Council’s full council meeting last week, Mayor Ros Jones also explained that more than £100m of public money will be needed to reopen the airport after a lack of private funding.

A submission to the Government’s Subsidy Advice Unit, published last week, covered the financial elements including the proposal to use some of Doncaster’s share of government funding to support the airport reopening. 

The report by the SAU said £60.6m would cover start-up costs, while a further £44.6m would be needed to make up for the fact that the airport operator will not have to pay rent for the first 10 years.

The airport has been closed since 2022, when Peel Land declared it ‘unviable’.

“I want to confirm to council and the people of Doncaster that we have an international airport operator, ready and waiting in the wings to work with us,” said Mayor Ros.

“FlyDoncaster is a wholly owned company of this council, which has been established to manage the airport and partner with our international airport operator.

Its key initial role is to mobilise the re-opening of the airport for passenger flights in Spring 2026. Further details in relation to this will be included in the reports to go through the council decision making process in the weeks ahead.

“The overall tone of the subsidy report is a positive one and acknowledges that this council has considered the options and why public funding is an appropriate mechanism to consider.

“There are a number of points raised for further consideration and these will be responded to as part of our ongoing planning.

“This is set to be the largest single investment in Doncaster for more than a generation, hence the considerable level of due diligence and our rigorous and logical approach to accomplish this monumental challenge of saving and re-opening our airport.

“This is a Team Doncaster and Team South Yorkshire effort, I would like to thank the residents and businesses of Doncaster for their patience, we are not over the line yet, but we are nearly there,” she added.

The next stage will be determined at the full council meeting on 27 February, where SYMCA will consider budget approval.

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Hope it opens very soon very easy airport and parking

By Julie

The area is desperate for Doncaster to reopen.

By Anonymous

Who is still waiting in the wings and who is going to be giving fly Doncaster advise and help for running the airport……it’s worrying that no airline wants to touch it….

By Anonymous

So Ross Jones, you have had almost two years to reveal the operator. So who it it? Since it is our taxpayer money you are playing with!


I hope the council get the full go ahead to reopen the airport it will be a great boost to the economy for doncaster there’s always been planes flying from doncaster so there should be again


Why can’t you open this year? It’s about 20 minutes away from where I live.

By sophie penn

Will jet2 be flying from Doncaster Airport. I do hope so.

By Jason Smith

Ridiculous, so what they’re saying is after looking for a potential investor for years on end, they can’t find anyone who thinks it’s a worthwhile investment and too much of a gamble so let’s form a company with people who have never done this before and use tax payers money to fund it – sounds like a good plan. NOT. It’s foolish, pushing to open the airport at any cost when the airport closed because it wasn’t making money? Doncaster has a million different things they could improve and could do with this kind of investment to waste all that money opening an airport that is destined fail just seems absolutely stupid.

By Joshua Raw

If it was worth saving a big company who knows the industry would of come in and bought the airport before it shut down in the first place. Now the tax payer is footing the bill for a bunch of amateurs to have a swing in the dark, seems like an irresponsible use of public funds.

By Anonymous

Will be great to get that wonderful airport open again

By Anonymous

I hope the bid is sucessful,this area of our Country diserves some of the investment being allocated at the present time.

By Anonymous

The people of East Yorkshire deserve the same options of travel that everyone else seems to have!

By Julie Robinson

Absolutely ridiculous and a complete waste of tax payers money
Why think it will be viable this time???
We have Leeds, East Midlands, Birmingham and Manchester but to name a few
I can think of umpteen better places to invest all this money – SEND for example.
Again I say it is ridiculous – wait for a while down the line and it will be closed again – and at what cost and loss of money

By Jane Jones

Good so far but. JUST GET ON WITH IT!!

By Gil Robinson

If Doncaster council run the airport surely the cost should be met by the people of Doncaster and not be a burden on the people of South Yorkshire

By Anonymous

Hope jet2 can fly from Doncaster airport

By Pete Goodwin

Cannot wait for Doncaster Airport to open again
Every year our Holidays was always based around flying from Doncaster to wherever we travelled to .
It was so easy to navigate to the airport and it wasn’t all hustle and bustle like your larger airports,
So looking forward to this happening so we can book another holiday in the future from Doncaster Airport.

By R.Drinkall

Can’t wait for this Fabolous airport to re open

By Sean&terrie

I maybe mistaken, but I thought the money had already been allocated from South Yorkshire council. What has happened to that?

By Graham

Why is it, when we need anything like this in our area there’s a lot of negatives. One comment said it would hurt the environment if reopened, but yet they can build a new runway at Heathrow.. Other airports moaning about how much business they’ll lose if Donny opens..Seems to me it’s all about the South again.. We are the poor relations in this industry.

By steve Lawson

Can’t wait for the reopen, I will be like thousands of people that hate travelling down that M1.

By Paul downey

The sooner the better, can’t wait to fly from Doncaster airport again

By Graham Wilkinson

Wonderful News thanks to all its going to begreat for people in our areawe need this

By Carole Turner

This will end badly, remember Sheffield airport and what it cost the tax payer ? Councils should not be running airports, this should be done at arms length, a vanity project I fear .

By Taggart

Complete waist of money. The money would be better spent on Doncaster
Hospital and we have got too pay for a 120 years what a joke

By Michelle Cullen

Be nice to see it open again. But still think the money Will be better spent in other departments like homeless And And improving the areas we all live in. Asken Thorne etc.

By Anonymous

Congratulations to Doncaster Council/South Yorkshire, to those of us who have used the old one and now have to use the dreadful East Midlands Airport it is very welcome.

By Mick - Lincoln

Well done, get it open we need it in this area. I always used it. Got my local airport Humberside is a waste of time. Keep at it. Well done.

By Anonymous

In short, there is little interest in any commercial business interested in running the airport unless they (whoever they are) get £100m of tax payers money to run it for 10 years rent free.

It is clear that the airport is a dead duck and should be abandoned, 800 acres of brown field land would solve all the alleged housing shortage at a strike, instead, Peel Holdings are being permitted to build 2,500 houses on green belt land west of the airport, along Hust Lane and the Great North Road. There is also over 60 acres of derelict land along Mosham Road, Auckley which has been in this state since the 1960’s which is being left untouched. DONCASTER COUNCIL WAKE UP!!

By Ian Ashley

Will all you doom mongers from Leeds please get off this conversation. You are scared stiff of this airport being a success.
The previous owners ran Sheffield Airport into the ground (no pun intended) to sell off the land and they tried to do the same with Doncaster Airport. We in South Yorkshire should praise the council for its persistence and support the business when it reopens.

By Anonymous

Wish FlyDoncaster every success for the future and look forward to flying from the airport again very soon.

By Nigel Stacey

What’s the point in it opening when the flight prices are extortionate

By Anonymous

Fantastic news, this will put Doncaster city on the map, will bring business and financial benefits that only a new city could dream of, rock on Donny 👏

By Anonymous

Fantastic missed it will be great to haveit back our last flight was 2021

By Mr stuart baxter

The sooner the better – great airport to fly from

By Steve

Can’t wait for this to open love this airport

By Anonymous

Hope it goes a head Great little Airport

By Anonymous

Peel group were responsible for the airport being closed as they ran the business into the ground. They wanted all the roads and infrastructure in place so they could sell off the land for more money. They never actually wanted the airport to success they just used it to raise the value of their land. It’s about time someone looked into how they operate. Well done Donny council for standing up to them and giving us chance to use this amazing airport again. Hopefully the airlines who peel refused to let operate from the airport get back onboard 🤞🤞🤞

By Anonymous

Iflew 3 times from Doncaster airport it was so easy to book in and we got around with no problems good luck and if it reopens I would definitely use it

By Anonymous

The previous owner (Peel) gave it plenty of time (from 2005 until 2022) for at least some of the number of operators or flight numbers to increase, but they never got anywhere near the figures they promised, so Peel saying that it wasn’t commercially viable and they were shutting it wasn’t a surprise. A bunch of amateurs using public money to re-open a loss making business when a commercial operator can’t make it pay is just stupid. Other than using public money to make it rent free, what has changed that will make it a success this time? Why haven’t they revealed who the flight operators are going to be? How can you justify opening an airport when we are trying to meet climate change emissions reductions? There are lots of better ways of spending public money that would benefit more people…..

By Matthew

I can’t understand why all the secrecy surrounding the operator? Unless their isn’t one!

By Anonymous

So disregarding the fact that there’s been three independent financial reports stating that even though flydoncaster won’t be paying rent for said airport for the first ten years, the outstanding loan will still be 141 million pounds, and not a SINGLE airline nor holidays company has agreed to use it, not even TUI has pledged to come back and use it WHEN AND IF it reopens. There was a press release by Jet2 reiterating this point, and other major flight companies have said the self same.So, I’d love to know how the Mayor ABD flydoncaster have a hope in hells chance of keeping said uneconomical airport open when there’s no flights departing from it?

By Annoyed

A great boost for the economy and the people of South Yorkshire and Lincolnshire who once again have a convenient airport to fly from. The sooner it reopens the better.

By Anonymous

It will great to use Doncaster again. Far better than the dump call Leeds Bradford airport. That needs knocking down and starting again. Doncaster offer something for us on the east coat. Can’t wait.

By Mr Poole

Oh dear, what could possibly go wrong, councils have a great reputation for mis-handling public money. As others have said, no commercial organisation would touch it without cast iron guarantees from the council (tax payer). I loved flying from Donny, but is it really worth the public funding required to re-open and run it?

By Dave

We can’t wait, it been our favourite for years and we can’t wait especially for us at North Hykeham Lincoln, arriving at the airport was always the start of our holiday 😀

By Derrick Davis

I think this is a con and yes it was a nice place for us locals to fly from but can’t believe the costs , maybe someone putting some away for a rainy day 😜

By Garvin clapham

Fingers crossed it will reopen in 2026. Hope TUI, Jet 2 and Easyjet will fly from there, we will be delighted to be able to fly from Doncaster again.

By Suzanne Mcdonald

What get me really make me mad the government will waste how money bond HS2 and give Birmingham vand London money. For stuff like that would will not help this party of country this party of the country need that airport so we don’t after travel to Leeds Manchester and east Midlands Airport and we should have how own airport and that is Doncaster. .

By Victor Harrison

Doncaster Airport!!! why is it taking so.long to open? Come on let’s get our airport back up and running again. Let’s also hope the prices are suitable costs for all too. Here’s to spring opening 2026

By Katie

Don’t use money to refurbish the Frenchgate center…use the money for the airport…the airport is more important the French gate center

By Yvonne Rawlings

Cannot wait for the airport to open, wish people would stop moaning about it opening. Hoping tui get on board with it as well as jet 2 and more places to fly too has well, bring it on please.

By Jane Jones

Hurry up and get on with it, I hate travelling to Manchester airport which struggles to cope with the amount of flights and passengers that it has

By World traveller

Well since steel works mining went so did a lot of villages go into recline a really do hope Doncaster Airport will reopen in the future jobs for people and a future for folks let’s have some normality once again fingers crossed and prayers are powerful too

By Anonymous

Really hope this happens as humberside airport too small due to small.minded landowner not granting permission for extension. We need ronin hood airport

By Anonymous

I think it’s great that our local council is showing it’s dedication to Doncaster and it’s future. I believe it should get all the funding they need as it is an investment in our great cities future…

By Glen Young

100million to get it up and running.
I would of preferred the money to be spent on a new hospital

By Leeky

Oh boy another donnygate how much is the mayor going to pocket


The re-opening of DSA would also provide an opportunity for receiving diverted flights from MAN, LBA and EMA in severe weather in at those airports as Doncaster has a long runway and doesn’t experience weather that closes the other. When opened DSA was a very popular airport perhaps Peel lacked the enthusiasm to make it profitable as they were also responsible for the demise of another airport (think it may have been LPL). I am sure another company could make it a viable success.

By Janet M

For God’s sake south Yorkshire get your ringers out we need doncaster sheffield, Finningley airport, it’s so accessible just off the M1 ,A1 M18 not like leeds Bradford every time it snows or high winds it closes my wife worked in doncaster it never snows the kids at her school have never built a snowman try getting to Leeds Bradford I lost count of the back roads I had to take.

By John haslam

Looking forward to the reopening of our airport. Thanks for the work done so far by Doncaster council, and all involved in @flydoncaster.

By Janet Walton

I see the same jokes in the comments. Will Jet2 be flying from there? and Its worrying no airline want to touch it. Hmmm TUI have been very vocal in that they would come back. Rumours abound at other airlines who are supposedly in talks. I think you mean operator. The issue is no operator wants to risk the millions it will take to make it profitable so CDC are now having to be the ones to take that gamble. They should have done that 12 months ago rather than all this wasted time. Im not sure why there is now secrecy over who the so called Operator is though. Its no longer commercially sensitive and just lends itself to more thinking that Ros is not being totally truthful with the rate payers. Why did it take the SAU report to be made public for her to admit that CDC will be running the airport? DId she not think it would be public before the mayoral votes in May? COme on Ros be more open with us or you will lose this mayoral vote to the tories something most of us dont want. He was bad enough as an MP

By Anonymous

Hope it opens soon easier to get to and parking is plentiful

By Trevor

I hope as a South Yorkshire tax payer I will not be contributing to this airport, just so holiday makers going to Alicante and Palma (neither of which I go to myself), don’t have to go to travel to the likes of Manchester, Leeds or East Midlands.

By Nobby

Can’t wait for it to reopen. So easy.

By Anonymous

The same layout used by Teesside Airport (& criticised until those of a red persuasion had zero breath left to criticise). Is now being copy & paste by the labour party… you couldn’t write it

By Durham

I think you get the wrong type of people commenting on here when given the chance. Negative Nellies who have done nothing towards it. I have nothing but admiration for all involved in hopefully getting our airport reopened. Thank you

By Anonymous

What a complete small minded Council Doncaster has. The airport didnt work last so why will it work this time? Only Tui showing an interest and that will be one flight every verse end. The airport will not survive on one airline user, and tbh, cantvsee anynothers forming n orderly queue.

By Anon

Great news for Doncaster and South Yorkshire, Me and friends will be using the Airport . More eco friendly as less car usage to far away airports.

By Philip Faulkner

The airport should never have closed and I can’t wait for it to reopen. Shame on the last government and well done to Doncaster council.

By Gill

If Peel couldn’t make it work the council won’t. There is a reason there is a lack of private investment / support forthcoming.

You never know I could be wrong but it will be a slog.

What Doncaster and the airport need to do if go on an international investment drive now. Showcase the opportunity to the world.

By Dan H

Passed a van at DSA with BUZZ branding, this is a Polish airline owned by Ryanair International. Are the the new operators? Can’t think of reason for them to be there unless they are surveying the the site. Could be UK hub for BUZZ.

By Graham 5721

If this goes ahead transport infrastructure to the airport needs improving.resurect the rail station improvement .will give an incentive to fly from the airport with a direct link

By Anonymous

Bring it on Doncaster, can’t wait to use your airport again (several times a year)

By Jackie

Not everything is about profit. The hard working folk of South Yorkshire deserve an airport on their door stop so they can get away on a cheap break from time to time. Councils waste money on all sorts of things all the time so I would rather they water their money on this.

By David S

Good airport to fly from.on the door step and not having to travel to other airports.

By Wayne leak.

Get it opened only reason it closed cos peel were greedy sooner the better great airport and will serve the area well

By Trev

10 years rent free, of course somebody will take it on and then dump it when they realise it won’t make money. Be careful what you wish for you people because they know it might just be viable with heavy planes loaded full with goods taking advantage of the extended times. I for one don’t want the noise and disruption this will bring. It was too expensive before and it will be again

By Anonymous

I don’t live in south Yorkshire but Doncaster Airport was our favourite place to fly from. Such an easy commute from Castleford. The size of the airport was great as in not too big. I really hope it opens again.

By Janice Astin

As a ‘professional’ in this business (Chief Airports Analyst, CAPA, based in Manchester) I wish you luck and hope this venture succeeds. With MAI you have a respected partner but one that typically works at a higher level than what is effectively a start-up for the second time. The timing might be right for you just now while the post-pandemic ‘revenge travel’ boom continues but this business can change very, very quickly and 2026 could be a completely different proposition. You need a major carrier to commit quickly and build a small base or the popular sentiment will quickly die away. But there are several of the usual subjects which either can’t or won’t. Not being able to find an investor right now is not unusual for any small airport but if that remains the case throughout this year and next the chances are you never will. You do have the advantage of a major piece of commercial real estate close by. That helped save Teesside Airport. Good luck!

By David Bentley

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