The site has reserved matters approval. Credit: Calderdale Council

Calderdale launches developer hunt for 63-acre site

A tender has been issued as the local authority seeks a partner to deliver business space at its proposed Clifton Business Park.

Calderdale has a longstanding ambition to transform the Clifton site and has been seeking funding through various streams.

Following unsuccessful bids for Levelling Up Fund support, the council has now launched a tender to potentially bring a specialist developer on board as a partner to deliver commercial units.

If the tender process results in a suitable joint venture, the developer would work alongside the council to finance and manage the design, planning, construction and marketing of the scheme.

Calderdale believes the site will appeal as it is already consented, and lies close to Junction 25 of the M62, with Brighouse close by and a strong local workforce. It has Enterprise Zone status and sits within an established industrial area, abutting the Armytage Road industrial estate.

A professional team led by Pegasus Group and Delta Simons secured reserved matters approval in 2021 for development across 20 plots within the site. The reference number on Calderdale’s planning portal is 20/01354/LAA.

Cllr Jane Scullion, Calderdale Council’s leader, said: “We want people to feel pride in the place where they live and do business, and a key part of this is the Council’s commitment to support all parts of Calderdale to thrive. We also want to build on our borough’s strong contribution to the wider West Yorkshire economy.

“The proposed Clifton Business Park – a major regeneration project – aims to do just that. It’s an example of our ambition for Calderdale, and our aim to make things happen in line with our Vision 2024 for Calderdale and the Local Plan.

“The site has the potential to create 1,300 high-quality new jobs for Calderdale and West Yorkshire, attract significant investment and new businesses into Brighouse, support our inclusive economic recovery through sustainable development, and add to local climate action through new walking and cycling routes, trees and plants.”

Calderdale’s position is that the developer and council would work together to finance and manage the design, planning, construction and marketing of the scheme, specifically to:

  • Design and implement remediation and infrastructure enabling works
  • Explore cost saving opportunities within the design and construction of the scheme
  • Investigate income maximisation opportunities within the design, marketing and management of the scheme
  • Look into more efficient funding opportunities through an improved and more robust financial profile.

The tender is open until 12pm on 17 July, with full information available to interested parties online.

Work will progress throughout the year to consider tender responses and confirm whether a joint venture is appropriate. Reports about the next steps and funding requirements for Clifton will be discussed by cabinet and full council in early 2024.

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