Hull has set out a vision for the next decade. Credit: Hull City Council

Planit to work with Hull

The urban design practice has been appointed by the council to lead on the development of a future vision for the city centre.

Planit’s appointment follows work elsewhere in the region, including a key role on Aire Park in Leeds, a mixed-use urban district featuring an eight-acre public park.

The firm has also worked with Deloitte and Homes England on a framework for priority neighbourhoods in Sheffield, while in the North West it has, along with 5plus Architects, crafted a residential design guide for Stockport based on improving the liveability of the town centre.

Hull City Council said that the creation of a new vision for the city centre will be a key milestone in the delivery of its Community Plan 2024-34 and its ambition to build Hull’s role as a regional hub for enterprise, investment and growth.

Over the next six months, Planit and a wider professional team will engage with Hull businesses, residents and stakeholders to develop a plan designed to stimulate the economy, respond to climate change, and develop sustainable neighbourhoods.

Cllr Paul Drake-Davis, portfolio holder for regeneration at the council, said: “We want residents of our city to have a say in its future, a city they can feel proud of and a place where people want to live and visit.

“Alongside ensuring our communities thrive, our city centre must thrive alongside it. We have set out to create a new long-term vision for the heart of our city that makes the most of its assets.

“The new vision will build on existing plans to use the city’s strengths to create a thriving economy with job opportunities for everyone and a healthy place to live with access to affordable housing, green spaces and great opportunities to experience our culture and heritage.”

The masterplanning work is part of a £19.3m government-funded programme to unlock key sites and regenerate areas of the city centre.

Director of urban design at Planit, Andy Roberts, added: “It’s such an exciting time for this legendary maritime city which has great historical significance, not only for the UK, but the rest of the world.

“Committed to a regenerative future, we are passionate about preservation and building cities that can adapt. We’re delighted to play a central role in Hull’s development.”

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