Enjoy Design is the architect. Credit: planning documents

Drum rolls on with 27-storey Leeds tower

Plans have been lodged for close to 400 homes on Springwell Road, Holbeck by the developer in a scheme now billed as Whitehall Sidings.

March’s meeting of Leeds City Council’s south and west plans panel considered a pre-application presentation of developer Drum (Leeds)’s intentions, in order to comment on and guide the application.

The architect for the project is Enjoy Design and the planner ID Planning. The project has now been validated on LCC’s planning portal, with the reference 24/03068/FU.

If approved, the 391-apartment development would neighbour Citylife’s Springwell Gardens, the first phase of which has been completed, with the second now approved.

Drum’s plans are for the Evolution House site, formerly occupied by Morgan Sindall. This is a wedge-shaped parcel currently occupied by a two-storey office block with associated surface car parking.

Planning officers describe this as an area of transition just outside the boundary of the designated city centre, the boundary of which aligns with the railway line to the north-east; and physically separated from the main local centre of Holbeck by the viaduct, giving it a more industrial character.

ID Planning is advising the applicant. Drum wants to demolish the offices on site, and build a development of two blocks, with the tallest reaching 27 storeys and a perpendicular block reaching 12 storeys. Plans approved for the neighbouring Cartwright House plot (Citylife’s second phase) go to 30 storeys.

Drum wants to deliver 195 one-bedroom flats, 159 two-bed flats, and 37 three-bed flats. There will be a commercial unit at ground floor, of 1,420 sq ft. Parking provision is for 17 electric vehicle spaces, three car club spaces and three motorbike spaces. There would be 236 cycle spaces.

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