Talks progress on MKM Stadium redevelopment
Hull City Council leader, Cllr Mike Ross, has met with SuperStadium Management Company and senior figures at Hull City and Hull FC to advance talks on the ground’s revamp.
Tan Kessler, executive vice-chair of Hull City FC and Hull FC chairman Adam Pearson provided further information for the leader and council officers as to the plans for next steps at the complex, which is now 22 years old.
Kessler revealed in February that plans are being explored to expand operations around the stadium, with all-weather pitches and other sporting facilities part of the mix in a toned-down version of the campus Manchester City have developed around the Etihad.
Stadium capacity is currently slightly more than 25,000 at the MKM, which was rebranded as such following a naming rights deal with a local building supplies company in 2021.
Cllr Ross said: “It was good to meet with SMC and see the progress it has made on the proposals and discuss any support needed from the council.
“There would be wider benefits for the community and the professional clubs and it was great to be able to hear about those.”

MKM has naming rights until 2026. Credit: Hull CC
Provisional proposals would see Hull City’s academy relocated to the MKM Stadium and improved facilities for the Tigers Trust, along with a raft of improved community facilities in West Park.
These discussions form part of the pre-application process.
Hull City, Tigers Trust, SMC and Hull FC will now engage with the local community and other stakeholders in advance of submitting a detailed planning application later this year.
Kesler said: “I’d like to thank Cllr Ross and his colleagues for their interest and support for our vision for the future of the MKM Stadium and surrounding area.
“Additionally, I’d like to thank Adam and also our colleagues at the Tigers Trust for their efforts and enthusiasm for a project that will bring benefits to so many people. We look forward to sharing our plans with the people of Hull in due course.”