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New railway station considered for Leeds

Network Rail will present plans to Leeds City Council on the state of play regarding a new two-platform station at land to the south of Manston Lane, Thorpe Park.

Each platform would be 150m in length, allowing for six-car trains.

LCC north & east plans panel meets on 21 November to consider the proposal.

The proposals would also include an uncovered bridge crossing the railway with access via lifts on either side as well as steps. Two waiting shelters, ticket machines and information screens are also plotted.

The plans would take into account the possible requirement for a four-track line in future, officers said. The intention is to link the station with the existing bus stops on Manston Lane, while a second station entrance would lead passengers into Thorpe Park, the Springs retail park and housing coming forward in the area.

This includes Radial Park, while the southern end of the East Leeds Extension is also close by.

No designs have been produced yet, but NR said the development would likely follow along the lines of the recent Kirkstall Forge station. There remains uncertainty over the delivery of the White Rose station between Morley and Cottingley.

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