The next steps for Albion Square will be discussed at the council’s cabinet meeting on Monday 24 February. Credit: HCC

Hull’s Albion Square enters next phase

Contractor Vinci Building has removed 607,000t of asbestos from the former BHS building, meaning the scaffolding can be dismantled and next steps for the centrally located site considered.

The aim is to transform the derelict building into a mixed-use scheme, with a focus on residential on the upper floors.

It took 21 months to remove all of the contaminated waste, which included concrete blocks containing asbestos.

A recent addition to the Albion Square project is a community diagnostic centre (CDC), on the corner of Bond Street and Albion Street.

Due to open this year, the facility is set to enhance healthcare services in the region, providing residents with improved access to essential diagnostic services including CTs, X-rays, MRI and phlebotomy.

Cllr Paul Drake-Davis, portfolio holder for regeneration at the council, said: “I am pleased to see that the scaffolding on the former BHS building is now being removed, with preparations taking place for the next stage of the project.”

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