The development is approximately 9km from Leeds. Credit: via planning docs

Hallam Land submits plans for 1,000 homes in Tong

The developer, part of Henry Boot, has submitted plans for a £155m neighbourhood called Westgate Hill five km south east of Bradford.

Hallam wants to build up to 1,000 homes on the 125-acre site, alongside 95,000 sq ft of employment floorspace, a primary school, and an 11,000 sq ft neighbourhood centre, which could be used for pubs, hot food take-aways, or commercial uses.

The project team includes planning consultant Lichfields, aechitect JRP, arboricultural advisor FPCR, landscape advisor Pegasus Group, and Air Quality Consultants Ltd.

Westgate Hill (also known as Holme Wood South) is formed of five sites which will in time deliver 1,158 new homes alongside lanscaping and associated infrastructure.

Situated next to residential and commercial properties to the south, it is surrounded on all other sides by fields.

The site is currently used as agricultural land and has no other buildings on it. It was formerly designated as Green Belt, although a large section of Green Belt land at Westgate Hill in Tong has been allocated for development in Bradford Council’s draft Local Plan.

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