There are 27 units at Gildersome Spur. Credit: via FTI Consulting

Gildersome Spur fills up

A deal with Dufton Plumbing for close to 10,000 sq ft has taken the Leeds industrial estate to full capacity, said owner Orchard Street Investment Management.

The 10-year deal with Dufton rounds off 77,000 sq ft of lettings to five occupiers at the 500,000 sq ft Gildersome Spur holding over the last year.

Other recent arrivals include B&K Flooring, AHT Holdings, Panel UK, and Kingfisher UPVC Windows & Doors.

Orchard Street said that the refurbishments of these five units were delivered with sustainability in mind, with features including air source heat pumps, LED lighting, electric vehicle charging points and the installation of rooftop solar PV panels.

Gildersome Spur comprises 27 units and is located at Junction 27 of the M62, seven miles from Leeds city centre. Spanning 25 acres, the well-established hub is one of the largest single owned industrial estates in Yorkshire.

Alex Hardwick, asset manager at Orchard Street, said: “Gildersome Spur has proven itself to be a high performing long term hold in Orchard Street’s industrial portfolio, having generated robust demand from leading occupiers looking for prime warehouse space in a strategic location to serve the north of England market.

“These latest lettings, which have resulted in the estate being fully let and follow multi-unit refurbishments, are testament to the appeal of modern, high quality industrial spaces that are energy efficient and align with what occupiers are looking for in today’s market.”

Carter Towler and GV&Co are joint letting agents.

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