The site is classified as brownfield. Credit: via Aberfield

Double appeal success for Helmsley

Two planning application refusals have been overturned by the Planning Inspectorate, meaning the developer will now commence building family housing at Welburn Business Park in North Yorkshire.

Both proposals were to replace vacant office and commercial space at the business park with housing.

The first application is for nine four-bedroom family homes ranging from 1,500 sq ft to 2,600 sq ft.

A separate application for seven homes at the site has also been granted permission.

Originally, the applications were refused by North Yorkshire Council on grounds including that Welburn Business Park is located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, development in the area goes against planning policy guidelines, and there was potential noise impacts.

However, the Planning Inspectorate dismissed these concerns and also said North Yorkshire Council should have given greater weight to the fact Helmsley already had a planning permission at the site.

Helmsley Group previously secured a permission for 10 one-bedroom apartments under permitted development, which was also granted following an appeal. This permitted development application was then used to leverage a larger planning gain and secure much larger consent.

Helmsley Group development surveyor Tom Riddolls said: “We have always believed that family-oriented homes at Welburn Business Park would revitalise this brownfield site, enhancing both the environment and local community.

“Both successful applications directly respond to the housing needs of North Yorkshire families, providing spacious, permanent homes.”

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