Brough eyes up a Bargain
Permission is being sought by TJ Morris to build a 20,000 sq ft Home Bargains store on vacant land adjacent to Bluebird Way.
The 2.6-acre plot of land would also offer 109 parking spaces and a new access road.
Representing a £25m investment, the project team consists of Quod, WPL Consulting, Rappor, and Encon Associates.
In the D&A statement, it noted that, “The objective is to re-vitalise and uplift the vacant/unused site, providing local residents with choice and quality of provision as well as creating new full and part-time jobs.”
The shop would be close to an existing Aldi, a care home, and a primary school.
The proposals can be viewed on East Riding of Yorkshire’s planning portal, application reference number 24/02390/STPLF.
I know the size of this area now it would be welcomed and we would not have to travel a long way to get to one
By David Hall