How cool is the WasteShark? Credit: CPW

And finally… shark life

An aquatic robot called a WasteShark, inspired by a whale shark’s open-mouthed feeding technique, and capable of scooping up 500kg of detritus per day, has been launched in Leeds. And not before time, let’s face it.

M&E and sustainability consultancy CPW has teamed up with other local businesses to invest in the drone. Not only is the WasteShark collecting litter, it emits no greenhouse emissions, produces no noise pollution, and poses no threat to wildlife.

The WasteShark – surely already due some cutesy name in the manner of council snow-gritters and such like – is equipped with GPS, LIDAR collision avoidance technology, a camera and electric motors and is the first use of this technology to be approved by the Canal & River Trust on its UK waterways.

The WasteShark will be operated by remote control by Canal Connections, a social enterprise that aims to use local waterways for social regeneration and to engage the local community to improve natural heritage. The drone can also work autonomously on a set route, like a robot vacuum.

Canal Connections will sort the waste collected by the WasteShark which will be recycled or appropriately disposed of.

Gareth Moad, director in the Leeds office of CPW, said: “As a company, we are deeply committed to improving the world we live in. Whether that’s in our sustainable design practices or exciting projects like this.

“Plastic pollution in our rivers is a huge issue – it’s damaging for wildlife, for the natural environment, and ultimately for us as microplastics end up in our water supply. So it’s essential we play our part in tackling this issue by cleaning up our local waterways.”

The idea was generated by the Leeds Waterfront Group, a sub-group of the West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce’s Property and Economic Forum.

It’s easy to see this stuff as light-hearted, but it’s a genuinely brilliant thing, and hats off to the local businesses and organisations that have chipped in to make it happen:

Leeds Civic Trust, Mott Macdonald, Yorkshire Design Group, Addleshaw Goddard, Leeds City Council, VTR North, Form Property, BUPA Foundation, Iseepr and Vastint. Biffa and the Canal & Rivers Trust have also provided support.

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