These lovely animals will now have year-round protection from the elements. Credit: Farrer Kane

And finally… council brays yes for Wonkey Donkey sanctuary

Pegasus Group has kicked into action and secured full planning permission for a 22,600 sq ft equine arena at Cridling Stubbs in North Yorkshire.

The Wonkey Donkey sanctuary and visitors’ centre will be built on Green Belt land, and will more than double the built floor space of the existing stables, office, café, and visitor centre.

Building is set to begin in summer next year, with an aim to open for winter 2025.

The indoor facility will help the charity to rehabilitate horses and donkeys that they rescue, as well as allow people and children with learning disabilities to visit and interact with the animals, in all weather conditions.

Pegasus’ planning team demonstrated that the proposals were acceptable in the Green Belt by making provisions for facilities in connection with an existing outdoor recreational and leisure use, and by showing that the new arena building did not conflict with the five purposes of Green Belt designation.

As part of the site was within a Flood Zone 2, Pegasus also located the arena in the area of least risk. Its transport and infrastructure team carried out a swept path analysis at the site’s main access point, and the design team provided all the scaled drawings for the project.

Jackie Howarth, director at the Wonkey Donkey Sanctuary, commented: “This new building will provide a safe, secure, and spacious area for the daily rehabilitation of the animals in our care, enabling us to take the animals’ recovery as far as possible.

“We will now not have to cancel visits when the weather is unsuitable, allowing our special visitors with various disabilities and needs more time to enjoy with the donkeys, which brings such great benefit to their lives.”

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