The time capsule includes items from local schools, as well as heritage articles from the former factory. Credit: via Altitude

And finally… chocs away

Henry Boot Construction and Latimer have buried a time capsule at The Cocoa Works in York, honouring the site’s Rowntree heritage ahead of the residential scheme’s completion.

Representatives from contractor Henry Boot Construction, developer Latimer by Clarion Housing Group, Haxby Primary Academy, St George’s Primary, and York College gathered at the celebratory event on Friday 4 October, to bury the time capsule.

The time capsule has been buried with a book depicting the entire history of The Cocoa Works, alongside items found by the site team during the redevelopment process at the former chocolate factory.

This includes a newspaper and payslips dating back to 1980, an original Aero chocolate bar, confectionary packaging – After Eight and Black Magic from 1933, for all you packaging nerds – scratchcards from 1970, and book records from the on-site library.

An on-site library. What a wonderful thing to have.

Objects from local schools and colleges also featured in the capsule: Haxby Primary Academy added a school jumper and all classes wrote a letter explaining what life is like at the academy in 2024, St George’s Primary included a school jumper and information about the history of the school and chocolate in York, and York College contributed a memory stick with photos and information about the college.

York’s community-run riverside walk, The Foss Fairy Trail, provided a fairy keyring, and letters from Latimer’s 2020 ‘Sweet Memories’ campaign were added, too.

Jack Kidder, responsible business manager at Henry Boot, said: “It’s a real privilege to be part of this project, sensitively reforming this iconic York landmark in a way that will help to recapture the pride, character, and social aspect that once thrived in the days when it was an operational chocolate factory.

“And this time capsule burial is a crucial milestone in the project. It marks our collaboration with Latimer and local schools to leave a lasting, positive legacy on this historical site.

“It forms a vital part of our social value plan for The Cocoa Works, demonstrating both our collaboration with the local community and our commitment to maximising the social benefits for people who live in the area.”

The time capsule is the final component of Henry Boot Construction’s social value delivery on the scheme, which has also included site visits for schools, work experience placements, and raising over £10,000 for Place2Be and Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity.

The Cocoa Works is a £52m development featuring 279 apartments, blending restoration and new-build.

Weedon Architects is the project designer.

The project is due for completion in winter. Credit: via Altitude

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